Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Notebooks of a chile verde smuggler


"It usually happens when I hear someone talking in Espanol. You see, I don't do Espanol either. I use to do Espanol, but it got me in a lot of trouble."

-This quote is rather interesting because he writes in spanish so much in the entire book and now you see that he doesn’t really like it. By saying that it got him in trouble kind of shows that the American culture over whelmed him in a way that he couldn’t speak his own language any more. The way he says it, it seems like he doesn’t care and he does it just because it’s easier.

“One quick flash of the hands. It was a mother thing. She blessed me one too many times. She crossed her tiny hands over my face so. I saw through the mountain furnace –this old road of lives and cross blossoms and unturned stones.”

-I found this quote really nice because it talks about his mother and how no matter what he does she will always love him and care about him. It also shows that he made many mistakes, but even after all of them, his mother forgave him. This quote takes place in the cemetery and he sees all the people pasted away and how they moved on to another place.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

notebooks of a chile verde smuggler


-"please identify tge following new fashion trend, pendojos: beef-flavored non-cholesdterol polyester campesino-print handkerchief, also comes in plaid pork and two-tone menudo."

-i love this quote a lot because it's about nothing. it doesn't mean any thing but it has a certain catch to it. as we know today, there are many fashions and most of them we know of. i belive in this quote, he makes fun of certain fashions. and maybe jsut saying any thing jsut to say that any one can start a new fashion and that it can be as rediculous as you want and that you can choose to wear what ever you want.

-"his face was glowing neon sparkles as he rolled the power ball. he had just hit a big score and was feeling good."

-i found this quote very interesting because it shows the power of gambling in one way. it is a very small/short quote but it means a lot. if you read this quote carfully, you can see that they say he has a good feeling after he hit a big score. that often happens in the gambloing world, you get a high score, think your about to win, to then get shut down a loose lots of money.

Monday, May 21, 2007

notebooks of a chile verde smuggler


-"i needed a very simplle zen quote: something like: "peanut bag with salt next to tomato juice plastic gllass marvelous." i need a zen quote that will slap my ears, say, Juan Boy! something like this & blam! i am drinking tomatoes as i write."

-i chose this quote because, to me, it doesn't make much sens. a zen quote is suppose to mean something, but then again, if you look at the quote he wrote, all it is, is what he was doing, drinking tomatoes. this quote didnt have much significance to the story it was in. he wanted to take this quote in put it into his tomato juice.

-"I aam that paper, i am those words now, the ink burns pyres in every cell. when i look out to the trees, the llong winding streets of tortilllla flats, as they shoot to the hillls and cut the ellectric rails of the muni buses to the towers and twin peaks, the fog and into the sky haze, i see your signs, i read your voice, now i do. yes."

- this quote made me think a lot. it starts off by saying that it is a sheet of paper but then it turns out to be something different. maybe it is stilll the paper, but it means a lot more then just something you write on. it knows who you are because you writer what you feell on it and it knows your voice from when you're talking and writting. i guess what this means over all, is that a sheet of paper knows you very well.

notebooks of a chile verde smuggler


-"Margarita prays for her 22-year-old brother, ricky- run over, llate night, by a full truck. next to a 7/2. sometimes, froma small envellope she pulls out his broken bones, or she finds his torn fingers at the bottom of a cup of coffee."

- i found this quote rather interesting because it was very realistic, but you could easily imagine it in your head. which wasn't very pleasant. at the beginning, you can see how she must miss her brother a lot but then towards the end, she says "who are your hearoes" which means that she is happy about the death of her brother which is very unusual.

-"For years, in that shadow, she smokled and kissed a stray that crossed our window."

-in this quote, they are tallking about the mother who takes care of this cat that is always close to their house. the cat that crosses infront of the window. they say she kissed it and smoked it. it was a small quote, but it showed a lot of emotions in the paragraph and meant a lot.

notebooks of a chile verde smuggler


-"My plutomobile... runs on transvaal liberation dances, runs on the skin of a woman ghana drum, runs on free on free on free on free."

- this quote describes what his "plutomobile" runs on. there are many ligns describing what it runs on and i found this rather interesting and funny. there isn't reallly a theme to all the quotes he says, but they are suppose to described the "gas" his plutomobile runs on.

-"Do you qualify? or are you unqualified? you may not belong with us?"

-this quote shows that he thinks that ot be part of a group or a gang of people, you have to qualify to get in. not any one can be one of them and not evryone is equal. that is what he is saying. personnaly, i dont agree because i think every one is equal and that everyone should be given an equal chance.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

notebooks of a chile verde smuggler


-"get horny with the wrong images, pull weeds with my tongue out, revive lenny bruce, carve llotto numbers on soap,..."

-i chose this quote on page 61, not because i found it interesting, but more because it didn't make much sens to me. the title of this page is: things religion makes me do. i didn't understand how that had to do with what it says afterwards. i believe in this case, it doesn't talk about the normal religion that an everyday person follows but somethign out of the ordinary. towards the end, i think it's trying to show that religion is somethign that won't let you do everything you want. so its liek if you weren' free.

-"...i didn't know if she was watching for tex, the mixed dog, to eat the laundry or if she was going higher up, over the houses, the moving sky, torn clouds going west away from all the chavitos with peanut butter on their faces, far from the clap of dust, trastes, pink erasers, a kitchen table, beaten with hours, with pencils."

-this quote makes me think that all he is doing is looking outside the box. the way he wrote this, seems liek he is trying to imagine what she is seeing up in the clouds or it could simply be some random words put together. it shows that he doesn't jsut look at the obvious of the women looking out the window, but actually thinks more then that and even tries to see what she is seeing. this is a quote that doesn't end. it finishes this way and you don't know what happens which means that it lets you think what ever you want after. i personnaly think that he wonders so much about what she is looking at because he wants her to be looking at him because he likes her.

Monday, May 14, 2007

paper #2

-this is my intro for my comparison paper...

The Dharma Bums and Death of Justina provide examples of the search for discovering who you are, what you want out of life, and how to know when you find it. While the characters in these books are in different places in their lives, they share a similar search for their innersole. Using journey as a metaphor, Ray and Japhy, in The Dharma Bums, and the father, in The Death of Justina, each set out, either inwardly or outwardly, in an effort to understand whom they are and rearrange their priorities. Being able to know and realize what you really want is one thing, but knowing who you are as a person contributes to ongoing happiness.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

notebooks of a chile verde smuggler


quote #1
-"Tabaco socks, lleather forks, redwood boxers, spit instead of tears, the obscure insides of aa swatch watch, guiness record, tattoos."

-i found this poeme interesting and kinda weird. it doesn't make much sens the first time you read it, but there is a quote present in this poeme. the way he wrote this, was by taking random words and putting them together to make a new meaning to them.

Notebooks of a chile verde smuggler


quote #3
-"i drop my burdens, from my feet that guide them, i drope my burdens..."

-i found the saying they use, i drop my burdens, very interesting since it could mean many things. to most people, you would look at these two pages as something that doesn't make any sens and jsut repeating it self. what it means, is that he dropped his worries and everything that he didn't want. and he describes the parts of his body and what they did to be a part of these bad things.

quote #2
-"The father guitar cuento song eternal, the mother no longer sacrificiaall, yet holy, the son, now walking, always walking, the house, gone up in tribal ashes, gone south to emptiness, gone to the earth sky river melody, no chain, no shame, no name."

-i love this quote because it represents a fmaily inside their house. but not only that. they talk about the family and what they do and then tell us that their house, where everything happened, went up in ashes aaand now there's nothing left.

CCC questions

here are the 10 questions I asked the psychologist I interviewed
1- what motivated you to become a psychologist?

2- what are the different kinds of types of psychology?

3- and what is the difference between those and a multidisciplinary psychologist?

4- what do you enjoy most in working with kids and helping them out?

5- Do you find your job unusual/ different then a “normal” job? Why or why not?

6- Psychologists know how to almost read someone’s mind and are able to understand any one that walks into their office. Do you learn to do this or its something you develop?

7-what age group of kids do you work with? Can you work with people outside that age group or you just choose not to?

8-what is the hardest part of your job, and why?

9-do you consider you job important? If so, to who and why?

10- do you think your job has an impact on the way people live their lives? Are you able to change the way a person lives? Or you can only help them to find the way they live?

Friday, April 27, 2007

the dharma bums by:Jack Kerouac


-"He went over on a freighter names sea serpent so he painted a big mural of a sea serpent and mermaids on a bulkhead in the messhall to the delight of th crew who dug him like crazy and all wanted to become dharma bums right there. now he's climbing up holy mount hiei in kyoto through a foot of snow probably, strait up where there are no trails, steep steep, through bamboo thickets and twisty pine like in brush drawing. feet wet and lunch forgot, that's the way to climb."

-this quote shows the way dharma bums are. they are very simple and never give up. this quote is about Rol sturlason who is his buddy and who lives very simply and who jsut went hiking up mount hiei in kyoto. even though his feet are wet and he forgot his lunch, he doesn;t give up and he kept on climbing. he climbed threw a lot fo snow and up the mountain where there were no trails. he climbed this mountain after going to paint a mural. they live very simply and you can obviously see that they are thankful for everything they have. i love this quote because it expresses exaly that.

-"just think, ray, what it was like right here on this hill where our shack stands thirty thousand years ago in the time of the Neanderthal man. and do you realize that they say in the sutras there a buddha of that time, dipankara? the one who never said anything!"

-this quote has nothing much to say about it, but i found it rather interesting because i say the same kind of acting threw out the entire book. they really look past the present. they look to the future and into the past. they make nothing out of something. they really seem to look/think outside the box. they had a conversation about this which, for most people, doesn't mean much at all and that most people, wouldn't even think about this.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

the dharma bums by:Jack Kerouac


-"Sean was a strange mystical Buddhist with a mind full of superstitions anf premonitions. "i believe in devils," he said. "well," i said, stroking his little daughter's hair, "all little children know that everybody goes to heaven" which he assented renderly with a sad nod of his bearded skull."

-This quote shows that not everyone believes in the same thing. i, personnaly do not agree with this and that is why i found this quote important. everyone has their own opinion and shouldn't be judged for it. every religion believes in what they want and every religion has their own god. that's what really proves this. he shouldn't say that all children know that you go to heaven once you die since maybe a lot of kids have their own opinion on life. maybe, growing up you are always taught to believe in god, but i think that kids should believe in what they want and not be forced to believe in something they dont believe in.

-"just as they were about to open the door i opened it, with the black cat in my arms, and said in a low voice "i am the ghost."

-i decided to choose this quote because i simply loved it. i thought it was such a funny way to make these kids go away. the kids were throwing rocks on the roof of their house because they thought it was abandonned. after that he said he was the ghost, the kids never came back to throw rocks. this quote doesn't have much meaning and it was only a very small part of the book, but i still enjoyed reading threw it. it got me thinking that the strongest emotion that a person has is fear and that's why he choose to scare them away.

The dharma bums by:Jack Kerouac


-"Why hang out around viaducts and tracks, i reasoned, "when all i gotta do is exert a little footwork and i'll be safe of reach of all yard cops and bums too for that matter."

-i'm not sure why, but this quote got me thinking about many things. mostly about what eh really wanted in life. threw this quote, i notice that he wants somethign new. it seems like he never wants to stay at one place or do the same thing over and over again. he wants somethign new. a new place to live or a new place to go to. he wants to elave everythign ebhind and keep moving on. never look back, jsut always going forward in life.

-"then he took out his book and read awhile, and i read too, both of us with seperate oil lamps banked low, a quiet evening at home as the foggy wind roared int he trees outside and across the valler a mournful mule heehawed in one of the most tremendously heart broken cries i've ever heard. "when that mule weeps liek that," says japhy, "i feel like praying for all sentient beings.""

-I enjoyed reading this quote since i could imagine everything they said. they are so peaceful and appreciate everything that happens. they pray to thank their god for everythign hes done for them and for everything he has given to the earth. everything put on earth has a reason for being there and for them, this mule was somethign amazing and something they didn't want to forget. they wanted to be quiet and appreciate the sound of the mule heehawing.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the dharma bums


-"And then i thought, later, lying on my bag smoking, "everything is possible. i am God, i am Buddha, i am imperfect Ray Smith, all at the same time, i am empty space, i am all things. i have all the time in the world form life to life to do what is to do, to do what is done, to do timeless doing, infinitely perfect with, why cry, why worry, perfect like mind esence and the minds of banana peels"..."

-this quote shows what these people believe in. i foundit important because after reading this passage, you understand what they believe in like many lifes. they really think outside of the box when they have time to think.

-"it shore is, but i'll tell you sumpthin, after this steak you made for me, even though i paid for it, but you cooked it and here you are washin your dishes in sand, i'll just have to tell them to stick the job up their ass because now you're my friend and i got a right to give my friend a ride."

-i really like this quote because it shows that they like to return services. these people are very friendly and they help each other out. here, someone made a meal for the other one so now he will drive him home to return the favor.

The dharma bums


-"Big jar of crickets, give me another drink coughlin, about one tenth of an inch long with huge white antennae and hatch 'em myself, little sentient beings in a bottle that sing real good when they gros up."

-I took this quote to show the drinkign problem that this book shows. they drink for everything and every problem they have. like here, there is this big cricket so they drink to not get scared and just to relax. The alcohol problem is defenitly present in this book.

-"His name meant white obscurity, his name meant he who lives in the hills back of northern-white-water where i'm gonna go hiking, by god, it must be full of steep piney gorges and bamboo valleys and little cliffs."

-This quote shows the simplicity of their lives. they have very simple lives and many things mean a lot and things have their own meaning for these people. they lives differently but they had a very good life. Their names mean something and many people know that and their names are a big part of them.

The dharma bums


-""why don't we just forget about it and go on home?" "aw come on Tiger, we'll make a run up that hill and then we'll go home.""

-I like this passage because it shows the determination that he has and that he really wants to accomplish what he started. He is sending out the message: i got this fare and i'm not turning back. I find this important to the chapter because they show that they are strong minded and that they will accomplish what ever is put infront of them.

-""I don't think i can make it. I'll wait here." and that wind was strong, too strong, i felt that as soon as we'd b on a few hundred feet up the slope it might hamper our climbing. Japhy took a small pack of peanuts and raisins and said "this'll be our gasoline, boy. you ready Ray to make a double-time run?" "Ready.""

-this quote is very similar to the first one in the way that one motivates the other to not let go. they made it that fare and there not ready to jsut give up and go back down to the camp site. they said they probably won't make it by midnight but they still dont want to give up. these people are very strong minded and thats why i love this quote because it shows the passion and the inner strength that they have.

Paper topic.

I will be writting my paper on thinking outside of the book.
it's based on the Dharma bums and how they think "outside of the box."

The CCC presentation

-My paper topic is psychology.
-I will be interviewing Harriet Greenstone who is a psychologist in Montreal.
-She is a Multidisciplinary psychologist who mostly helps out kids between the age of 6 and 18.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

the dharma bums by jack kerouac

quote #1
-"He said nothing and went on. I saw him collapse and pant and get up and make his run again."

i found this quote important but also very interesting since it describes the kind of person he is. as they were climbing the mountain, he collapsed and he was obviously having trouble. This quote shows that he never lets go. He will finish was he started. So he got up and kept running.

Quote #2
-"I nudged myself closer into the ledge and closed my eyes and thought 'Oh what a life this is, why do we have to be born in the first place, and only so we can have our poor gentle flesh laid out to such impossible horrors as huge mountains and rock and empty space,' and with horror I remembered the famous Zen saying, 'When you get to the top of a mountain, keep climbing.' The saying made my hair stand on end; it had been such cute poetry sitting on Alvah's straw mats."

This quote describes his journey and what he was thinking of. i found the best part of this quote was the "zen" saying. It can mean many things, but to me, it means that no matter what you do, there will always be more to concur. It shows a lot of strength and shows that these people think ahead and logically.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The dharma bums by:Jack Kerouac

Quote #1
-I reminded myself of the line in the diamond sutra that says, "Practice charity without holding in mind any conceptions about charity, for charity after all is just a word."

This quote response demonstrates the kind of person he is. After eating his little meal, he remembers this and thinks about it. He says that he is very religious and has been practicing his religion to near perfection. I find this is a good quote but also one that makes me think. This quote is true and shows how this person lives.

Quote #2
-"why, as many grains of sand as there are stars in the sky!" and if so "how many human beings have there been,in fact how many living creatures have there been, since before the less part of beginningless time?"

This quote shows the personality of this person. He is sitting on a beach alone eating and drinking wine and all he is thinking about is how many grains of sand there are and how many stars there are. he then relates it to the number of human beings theres been in the world. he makes nothign into something and this quote made me think differently about this person.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Are These Actual Miles? By: Raymond Carver

Quote #1
-"Earlier, while she was dressing, he took the jack and spare from the trunk and emptied the glove compartment of pencils, matchbooks, blue chip stamps. then he washed it and vacuumed inside. the red hood and fenders shine."

this quote shows how much these people are materialistic. they often talk to eahc other and say good luck to each other, but that doesn't mean much to them. you can see a big difference between there talking relationship and when they do things for each other. jsut liek washing and cleaning a car was more important then saying good luck.

Quote #2
-""He had his checkbook out when i left," she says. "i have to go now. i have to go to the bathroom.""

This quote shows how much that the male is more powerfull then the woman in this story. he asks something and orders an answer, but when she doesn't respond, he gets angry. he yells and says many mean things to her. this quote shows the power he had over her. it also shows a negative side which is that the woman is not well treated by the male.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Persistence of Desire By: John Updike

Quote #1
-"Clyde became so lonely watching his old street that when, with a sucking exclamation, the door from the vestibule opened, he looked up gratefully, certain that the person, this being his home town, would be a friend."

This quote shows that Clyde is lonely and is looking for somethign new. He is excited when he hears the door open. At first, he doesn't know who or what is opening the door, but he hopes it is someone he knows. Excited and filled with joy, he rises from his chair and greats the women. They used to date and now, she is in his office and they are discussing about their lives.

Quote #2
-"He imagined his face with the lids bald and the lashes lying scattered on his cheeks like insect legs."

Right before this quote, they are talkign baout the stuff in his eye. he thinks its fairy-dust but the doctor knows it isnt. he then asks if there is any thing he can do because this might be the reason why he has the tic. Maybe they have finally found the reason of the tic he has.


Louis and I will be doing a project on: 1950's fashion which we will then present to the class in an 8 minute presentation.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


hey everyone! here is a website i use to do home work for American lit. i hope you enjoy it.
I am jsut starting to post things, but I will be posting things amost everynight.
Thank you for stopping by!!!

THE SWIMMER by:John Cheever

-->transition between houses.
-"After leaving the Howlands' he crossed Ditmar Street and started for the Bunkers', where he could hear, even at that distance, the noise of a party."

-After passing by several houses, he finds himself leaving the Howlands' house and hears some noise. He then went towards he noise to find himself in another pool. Going from pool to pool, he will try to find his way home. This quote makes the transition between two houses. We might see him staying at the Bunkers' house and enojying the party for a bit.

-->Will his journey be canceled?
-"It would storm. The stand of cumulus cloud-that city- had risen and darkened, and while he sat there he heard the percussiveness of the thunder again."

-After hearing this, as a reader, you are not sure if he will continu since it's dangerous to swim while there's thunder. Maybe he did all of this for nothing and now he will have to walk home or find another way home. We find out that, because of the thunder, his trip is canceled. He then takes a train instead of swimming home.